Sunday, October 28, 2007

Our Lemon Tree Continued...

Sometimes ago, I posted the lemon tree photo in my blog. This week, we noticed all the blossomed lemon flower has become small lemon, all over the tree.

This Spring is great time for most of our backyard's member. We were surprised our Kaffir Lime tree blossomed too.

还记得我在不久前有放了我们家后院的柠檬树开花的相片,上个周末绍闻在后院工作秧长豆时, 我们有新发现了。




Friday, October 26, 2007

It's time for the prone position practice

The maternal nurse has been reminding me on Yong Shuan's regular appointment that I should keep doing the prone position exercise with my baby.

He has been practicing well.

Yong Shuan's Stat at 14th week
Height = 60cm
Weight = 5.7kg

Lately, we noticed Yong Shuan explored a new regime in his exercise.

He now knows how to use his arm to assist himself to roll. What an amazing milestone ! It is wonderful to see your own baby grow and keep learning new thing at a time.

Oh ya... the nurse actually mentioned that we cannot leave YS on his own on the bed or sofa as he might roll himself and fall.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sunday Grocery Shopping

This is the first time Shao Wen carries Yong Shuan in the baby carrier. Yong Shuan seems quite happy and enjoys himself with the view, he turns his head to the left and right all the time.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Friday, October 19, 2007

10 Skills to Successful Leadership



以下是摘自某报章的 “有效领导的十个技巧”

1。 以身作则
2。 积极倾听
3。 有效沟通
4。 创造信任的文化
5。 重视成果,不论位阶
6。 合理冒险
7。 超脱成规
8。 携手共进
9。 团结一致
10。 改善部属生活品质


Saturday, October 13, 2007

At 12th Week

At 12th week, Yong Shuan is getting more active during day time. He needs more attention these days, he likes to babble. When we turn on the webcam, Yong Shuan will smiles when he hears grandma's voice over the speaker.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Our Lemon Tree

~ # ~ 春天花会开, 鸟儿自由自在 ! ~ # ~


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Hair Drop

Yong Shuan's hair drop alot these days and he knows how to play trick with his right eyebrow. (Photo #1)

Yong Shuan's Passport is here

我们终于收到永轩的护照了,看见护照里的相片我们就忍不住要笑。还记得这张绍闻自己拍的护照相片吗? 想不到大使馆放在护照上,永轩竟然这么可爱。好大好圆的脸蛋。

Finally, we received from the High Commission of Malaysia Yong Shuan's passport. I would say that is the biggest face in passport photo we have ever seen. It was written on the passport the height of this passport holder is 51cm. By the time we travel back to Malaysia I believe YS is going to be roughly 15cm taller. The last page of this passport where we all need to put our signature, that column was classified "Exempted" for Yong Shuan. :)

My first Gluten Rice


Saturday, October 06, 2007

The tale of one Sparepart-Low


故事述说在 十多年以前 ,很多年以前,有一位帅气的小伙子从双溪大年到怡保来打工。懵懵懂懂的就钻进了拖拉机零件业。这样一年复一年,把两个女儿养大,也慢慢地离开零售跑进了工厂。



P/S : 我会以后告诉永轩他妈妈第一个学会的拖拉机名词是Ford 5000.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Yong Shuan last "newborn" nappy

I posted Yong Shuan his very famous "Superman" post again. This times, Yong Shuan was wearing his last piece of "Newborn" nappy. We upgraded Yong Shuan nappy to Toddlers size.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Chinese Tea from Grandpa Tan

可能是爸爸的影响,我们爱在每晚看电视“黄金时段”一边看一边品赏中国茶。正因为妈妈到我们家小住一段时间加上八月份中秋佳节,我们喝得比平时更频密。很快的,爸爸的六保茶给我们喝完了。 其实我期待这一天好久了,我们上一回在马来西亚买的水仙茶因为没有罐子装还没有打开来品赏呢! 这回我可以用回同一个罐子来装水仙了。

“爸爸, 我们厨子里还有几片的普尔茶饼啦!如果我们喝完了,会告诉你的!”

“你看,我们多想你! 爸爸。我们把你的纸条留着呢!”

Monday, October 01, 2007

Yong Shuan on his Kimono Robe

I nearly forgot that Yong Shuan has this Kimono Robe, I found it when I do some housekeeping to Yong Shuan's Cupboard. Yes, with the experience that Yong Shuan nearly cannot wear few of the shirts that sis and friends bought for him. I keep doing this so that we try not to miss any clothing.

I still remembered when Yong Shuan first time wear this Kimono Robe, that was when he was still in the hospital. We only got one Kimono, as recommended by the handbook, I brought this to the hospital.

At that time, the whole Kimono covered up to Yong Shuan's leg.
Now Yong Shuan is 2 mths old, the size is just right.

Yong Shuan's Yummy Fingers

Upon sis's request, these are the photos we captured when Yong Shuan was sucking his fingers.