Saturday, April 26, 2008

Yong Shuan's first experience on the shopping cart


The new fresh food market of Doncaster Westfield Shopping Town is now open. We can now shop for our food at walking distance from our home. Noticed that all the shopping carts are new and "clean". Therefore we let Yong Shuan rode on the new shopping cart. He enjoyed the ride while trying to reach all the item on the shelf.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Nice Food

Two weeks ago when the power was down, we had our lunch in TGI Friday. Following are some of the photos taken in the restaurant. I wish I know how to cook these.

Yummy Baramundi Fish on Mashed Potatoes with Cheese

Famous Grilled Chicken Wings

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

On the 6th April, we went to the Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show. We started our day with big portion breakfast from Joe's Garage, Fitzroy.

As you can see, they served two eggs in the plate and lots of bacons. Not forget to mention the mushroom taste *~ yummy *~yummy.

YS was looking forward to sharing the breakfast with Daddy Mummy.

Friday, April 11, 2008

My perfect mashed potatoes

There has been a while I wished to make my own mashed potatoes after I read Godsis's blog on this saliva dripping side dish. I managed to try it yesterday when Yong Shuan was not around.

Recipe :

4 Nicola potatoes, peeled and cut into same size cubes
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 Tbsp butter/margarine
1 Tbsp milk
Salt and Pepper

1 Put potatoes into a small pot. Add 1/2 teaspoon salt. Add water until potatoes are covered. Bring to boil, reduce the heat and simmer, for another 15-20 minutes, or until done - a fork can easily be poked through them.

2 Drain water from potatoes. Put hot potatoes into a bowl. Add melted butter (by using microwave) or margarine. Use fork or masher to mash potatoes until well mashed. Use a strong spoon to beat further, adding milk to achieve the consistency you desire. Salt and pepper to taste.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Need some live music for your Wedding Dinner? Banquet?

Some of you may wonder who is the pianist who performed during my wedding dinner 2 years ago. She is my Godsis, the beauty of her performance moved the crowd that night. Anyone who's looking for this type of performance, you may now contact her and make your banquet a memorable one.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Found this website from a cousin

Cousin Yinn Sern passed this link to me. Do visit and have a try.

71 words

Speed test

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Yong Shuan 1st Indian Meal



More Photos of Yong Shuan at 8th month

... when Yong Shuan having his favorite banana ...

... when having fun with his FP Gym Tunnel ...

... Play Pee-Ke-Boo with mummy while learning to stand in his play pen ...

... fun time with Daddy ...

... "Ha ha, where is the label? I want the label !" ...

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

When we try to take family photo...

" ...I can disturb Mummy..."

... finally ...

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Our Backyard

今年,我们以前买下来的柠檬树和Kaffir Lime 树 “发疯柑”,开花打果了。二月份,我们从马来西亚回到墨尔本时,发现后院有8粒柠檬,2粒“发疯柑”,还有打了花的辣椒,苦瓜等等。所有的功劳归功于勤力浇水,施肥,翻土的绍闻。

当初,我们买 Kaffir Lime 树,是想着要它的叶子煮泰式料理,没想到竟然有意外的收获。

April Fool's Day

It is 1st of April - April Fool's day, let me do something different today. I will write my April Fool's Day posting in Mandarin.

哇! 爽! 太旧没有在这里用华语了。 终于,在愚人节这天重温一下那种爽的感觉。就像那种被密封着的普尔茶今天开封了。 (可能有一点夸张!嘻嘻!)

愚人节呀!愚人节! 是不是在求学的年代才流行呢? 或者要在一班好玩的同事间才有愚人节呢?当了妈妈后这节日
好像和我没有关系了,带小孩不是可以随随便便开玩笑的。直到我看见其他Blogger述说他们的愚人节才想起 哦!今天就是了。


6.15 am - 闹钟响了,不是很想爬起床。
6.45 am - 真的不能再拖了,不然就会迟到。
7.19 am - 绍闻载着我和永轩到Childcare Center,登记纪录我们今天把永轩放在Childcare。
8.30 am - 偷偷地看永轩吃早餐。我就离开Center。
9.00 am - 搭巴士去政府部门办一点儿事。路过佛光缘,添灯油。
11.00 am - 回到家,上网发现了一个“不错”的歌手 - 郑可为。有兴趣的可以到她网站听听。

接下来 。。。

再搭巴士到Childcare Center去接永轩回家。我每次去到就是期待他那伸手要我抱抱的表情,可爱极了!以下是永轩在Childcare的一些相片。



oh ! 永轩在交朋友了!