Saturday, May 23, 2009

New Table from IKEA

During our last visit to IKEA, we bought YS this set of table and 2 chairs.

When daddy busy assembling the table, YS also wish to help.

At 20 months old

We have been busy preparing on a new business. That's why I hardly update the blog.

Following are the photos we captured YongShuan at 20 months old.

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One of YS creative outcome: he took all the house key and poke them into holes found on grandma shoe.

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We saved 50Cent coins for YS to put into his piggy bank himself.

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Weeks ago, we brought Yong Shuan to "Pologround", he played on the playground slide. He was so excited and ever since the trip, he keep saying "上楼梯,坐滑板" in mandarin, meaning "climb up the stairs and sit on the playground slide".

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Yes, like others boy, YS plays car too. He usually will line them up in a straight line. And he will always remember to put the "Natasha" - what we called the yellow hair Pokemon character you found in the photo below on the back of his favorite grey color lorry.

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