This morning, we leave the house around 7am. The lane heading to the main street of our residential area is heavily fogged. We cannot really see anything after 5 meters. Today is the most foggy morning I seen in the past one week. Too bad my camera was not with us in the car, otherwise I wish I could capture the scene and share it here.
这两天我们都比较早上班, 今天是这个礼拜里最多雾的早晨。 可惜我们的相机没有带在身边,不然我可以拍下当时最多雾的景象和大家分享。 当时第一个反应就是立即打电话给在家里的妈妈, 告诉她今天会很冷,一定要开热气炉。
回到公司上网看了天气报告, 吓了一跳怎么会只有3.6度这么低。我的天啊! 这是什么天气? 妈妈怎么能忍受到呢?
在妈妈到墨尔本后的一天,她突然告诉我, 再生下一胎就不好在冬天了。 哈哈!
I gave a buzz to mum told her that she must on the heater whenever she feel cold, is only 3.6 degree Celsius around our area. Very worry that mum cannot cope with the cold weather. I wish the weather not frighten her as this is her first winter in Melbourne. I wish mum can make more trips to Melbourne in future.
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