星期六是我人生的几个“第一次”; 第一次上雪山玩, 第一次看见下雪的情景, 第一次亲手做雪人, 雪屋, 等等。 也是妈妈的第一次看见下雪。 绍闻则在多年前英国留学时到苏格兰体验过了。

To drive there on our own is quite tiring for our only driver, Shao Wen. Luckily we are driving CRV four-wheel drive that does not require to chain our wheels. Chains is needed to put on all the vehicle wheels at all time to travel to Lake Mountain. Wind screen is always fill with mist, we have to use one cloth to mop our wind screen in order to have a clear view of the front. Snow flakes flew and hit on our wind screen. Is my first time experience snow, the same goes to mum. We were so excited and happy that Shaowen make the effort to drive there to allow us to see the snow for the first time.
一路上我们在驾车时都需要不停用热布抹掉挡风镜上蒙蒙的冷气。早上在网上看了气象报告说雪的厚度有25厘米,一路上很期待。 我们的鞋子都是平时的运动鞋, 在雪地上都很滑。 妈妈和绍闻一而再,再而三提醒大家要很小心。 这趟上雪山很开心,终于看见下雪了。 :)
Mummy at 38th Week Pregnancy
We were so worry that mum will not be able to stand the cold. Mum get herself equiped with 3 layers pants and 3 layers of tops. With my ski jacket, mum looks like so cute in the ski outfits.
妈妈在相片里看不出当时是穿了三层的衣服和裤子吧?再加上滑雪的外套共四层。 妈妈一直要戴妹妹买给她的耳朵保护罩来拍照说至少有用过。 哈哈!
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