Monday, May 24, 2010

Dialog with Yong Shuan

I enjoyed chatting with my going-to-be 3 years old. He surprised me most of the time with the vocabulary he used. We practice speaking in Mandarin most of the time, occasionally Cantonese.

Incident No. 1:
ME : 弟弟将要出世了,我会和永轩回怡保小住。
YS : NO, 妈咪。你和爸爸看店,你丢下我和阿嘛和 Ginger (our beloved toy poodle) , 阿公. 我们就这样"决定"啦.

Mmmm. I wonder where did he learn the word 决定 ?

Incident No. 2:
ME : 妈咪需要去一趟看牙医, 你和阿嘛在家等妈咪, 好不好?
YS : 不可以, 妈咪。我和你一起去. 我也要看牙医.
ME : 但是你不能够进去房间里面等妈咪.
YS : 我要进去, 我 promise 我不会乱乱碰牙医的东西.
ME : @_@|||

Incident No. 3:
YS : 妈咪, 我要去学校.
ME : 好啊. 那你要学会自己穿鞋. 不需要妈咪帮的.
YS : 我自己穿会很慢嘛. 妈咪帮我会比较快.
ME : 那你去学校谁帮呢?
YS : 叫老师帮咯.
ME : @_@|||

Incident No. 4:
YS : 妈咪, 我要去学校.
ME : 好啊. 妈咪在附近找学校给你报名.
YS : 不要. 不要附近的. 要远远的.
ME : 为什么?
YS : 可以坐巴士去.
ME : @_@|||

More to come....


WaterLily said...

Hahaha.. really??! those came from YS?

SJ said...

so sweet! He really cute... ^.^

KC Tan said...

Yes Sis. And there are alot more, just that I cant remember them, he make both of us laugh from the heart when he did that.