Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Moon Cake Festival

Is there anyone looking forward for Moon Cake festival ? It falls on the 25th September this year. I still remember last moon cake festival, we bought the most expensive ever "Hai Wai Tian" 海外天 moon cake in our life. The four moon cakes packed in decorated metal box costed me AUD $28.
还记得去年的中秋节,是我们一生中买过最贵月饼的那年。在这里,我们很怀念马来西亚的月饼,就在去年,我们买了一盒$28 澳币的“海外天”月饼。吃起来还是马来西亚的月饼比较和我们的口味。
Years ago, when comes to Moon Cake Festival, dad and mum even bought the moon cake from Ipoh back to our hometown, Sungai Petani. Logistic during that time is not "canggih" as today. Ipoh's famous moon cake such like Hai Wai Tian & Foh San is not available at northern Malaysia.
Mooncakes always come with the "Pig cake" - sometime you'll find them in other shape like the fish. They are made from the same ingredient as moon cake. Anyone know why is this cake always made in the Pig shape? As I crave for moon cake, I bought this Pig flaky cake at the grocery store 2 weeks ago.

I thought there are no stuff inside this cake as I would prefer the skin more than the stuff.
还以为是我想要的小猪饼。。。 结果。。 是有馅料的小猪饼。太甜了。

Opps... Look at the white lotus paste, OMG, personally I think that is too sweat for me. Usually, the thinner the skin can be is to show how professional and skilled the chef who made it. However to me, I want the "skin" not the sweat stuff. We end up cut this cake into four pieces and .....shhh... I took the smallest piece. hehe...

1 comment:

Big Sis Yien said...

Yumm..I like mooncakes very much. Unfortunately, they are so costly in NZ. However, I am going to buy some this year! While you are enjoying the mooncake, don't forget to buy a mini lantern for baby YS too!