Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Little Marcus Birthday Dinner

Marcus is now 1 year old. We celebrate his first birthday last friday, 6th July in Gold Leaf Restaurant, Burwood Highway with friends, families and a mixed fruit cake. Yummy!~

Ivan哥哥第二位公子, 俊恺在上个礼拜五一岁了。 这一天同时也是我家公的阳历生日。"爸爸, 再一次祝你生日快乐!”

俊恺他是不是很可爱? 当晚的切蛋糕仪式还发生了一段小插曲呢, 当大家不注意时俊恺用他的小手在切蛋糕的长刀上捉了一把, 把大家吓了一跳。 在他自己没有危险意识下, 则被我们大人的叫声吓到哭了。 幸亏没有什么大碍。

That night also the first time I taste "duck tongue", weird looking, cold served on everyones' platter. Shao Wen is the only guy sitting with our crowd, most of the ladies includes mum passed the "duck toungue" to him. Easily I believe he had more than 6-7 "duck tougue".

那天晚上的冷拼盘是一道道的鸭料理, 有鸭舌头, 内脏,肠等等。绍闻是我们同桌的唯一男生,结果当晚他尝了好多的鸭舌头。 包括妈妈都把这些给他, 不浪费食物。 我本身也有尝了鸭舌头,小小一根,味道不错。酒家把它腌制了味道, 是不错的料理。

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